Eterna works as an active and committed owner, targeting specialist companies that are or have the potential to become leaders in their distinct niches. We believe that being a leader in your niche opens up opportunities to achieve strong growth and/or profitability. Our companies base their success on a combination of technology and skilled employees. We work with our holdings over a very long time horizon and our investments are always rooted in fundamental valuation principles rather than short-term market trends.
Eterna focuses on competitive companies rather than specific industries, but has a particular interest in:
Software and information services
High-tech industry
Service companies in tech-related industries
No two companies or owners are the same. Eterna therefore strives to adapt its acquisition structure to the unique circumstances of each business. Eterna may conduct various types of acquisition and investment, such as:
Generational change
We acquire companies in conjunction with a generational change and may also purchase stakes in multiple phases over different time horizons. Eterna may also own part of the company together with the original entrepreneur or family, who can retain their preferred stake in the company.
We support senior management teams that are seeking to acquire companies or business areas.
Changes in ownership
We acquire stakes in companies from founders or shareholders who wish to liquidate their assets for various reasons.
Growth capital
We invest in companies that are seeking capital to launch new products, accelerate organic growth or acquire businesses.
Eterna prefers to acquire shares in several phases over a prolonged period, for example in conjunction with instances of succession or corporate acquisitions.